Wednesday 30/11/2011 Talks, Edinburgh Informatics Forum

A glance of blind computing

Vedran Dunjko

13:30, IF 4.02

Abstract: In 1978, Rivest et al. have, by asking “Is computation over data which has been encrypted possible?”, opened up a proliferate area of research in cryptography. The following 30 years yielded partial results in both the classical and new domain of quantum computation: Feigenbaum et al (1989) showed that classical computation with unconditional privacy of an NP-hard function is impossible (unless PH collapses to the 3rd level) and Childs (2005) and later Aharonov et. al, reflected on this problem in the quantum domain with only partial success. Then, 2009. saw breakthroughs in both settings: Gentry offered a positive answer in terms of a classical efficient fully homomorphic encryption, and Boradbent, Fitzsimmons and Kashefi presented the Universal Blind Quantum Computation (UBQC) protocol. Gentry’s classical scheme offers computational security whereas the UBQC scheme is unconditionally secure, but the user needs modest quantum powers. In this talk we will note the highlights of the turbulent history of computation with encrypted data, address the interplay between classical and quantum results, and their impact on cryptography, interactive proof systems and the understanding of the separation between “classical” and “quantum” in information processing. Finally, we will briefly go through the details of the UBQC protocol, and provide alternative proofs of its security.

The ZX-Calculus: a graphical approach to quantum computing

Ross Duncan

4pm, IF 4.31-33

Abstract: The ZX-calculus is a graphical notation for quantum computing based on monoidal categories and the physical notion of “strong complementarity”. In this talk I’ll explain what string complementarity is, and introduce the ZX-calculus. I’ll also demonstrate some recent applications of the calculus to problems in and around quantum computing.

Wine and Cheese Event 2/12/2011

Dear QUISCO members, QUISCO-philles and associated wonderful people,

It is our pleasure to invite you to the very first QUISCO Wine and Cheese Event, on Friday, 2nd December 2011, at University of Edinburgh’s Informatics Forum. The Event will commence at 5pm at the 4th floor miniforum. Kids, partners, friends are most welcome to join!

Mission and vision: The idea is to institutionalise this event every first Friday of the month, where quantum and non-quantum people can socialize, discuss, and enjoy great wine and cheese in a very informal friendly atmosphere:
Students: you get to bug your supervisors
Supervisors: you get to converse your students
Researchers in general: mingle, discuss, expand your interests and start new collaborations!

During the course of the first event we will also brainstorm a bit about the actual format of the Events to come, based on the heart’s desires of the attendees.

For the reasons of simplicity, for the first Event, it is a BYOB & C festivity: contribute with a bottle of wine or juice, and ofc. cheese if you can. Please do us the honor and join us to make this fun idea a success!!

For any additional information feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address and cell phone number:
email: vd51 (at) hw ac uk
cell: +44 7907 980 936

Hope to see you soon!

Kind Regards,
Vedran Dunjko

p.s. If you choose to join us at a later stage of the event, please keep my number

New Student Representative

We welcome Electra Eleftheriadou as a student representative for Strathclyde. We are on the lookout for other students representatives and we are not restricted to only one per site.



We’re moving the old QUISCO website to this new version. Please bear with us till we have transferred all the material over.

Daniel Oi,
QUISCO Dogsbody.