Latest News: The next QUISCO meeting took place at the University of St Andrews on Wednesday 4th September 2019. Details here.
Welcome to QUISCO, the Quantum Information Scotland Network. We are an informal organisation dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary research between Experimentalists, Theorists, Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, Engineers, and other related researchers in the area of Quantum Information. We are open to all interested researchers from students, post-docs, academics, and industrial members.
QUISCO was founded in 2008 and the main institutions represented are (West to East) the University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh University, and the University of St Andrews.
We hold regular meetings on a round-robin basis, notices of which appear on this website and through the QUISCO mailing list. QUISCO related visitors and events are also announced through these.
If you would like to participate in the organisation of QUISCO, please contact a current committee member. We are especially interested to hear from student members.